Operate a holiday resort that provides outstanding dive that is our main business and at the same time marine conservation and community development is the main motivation in our business. Recognizing the need for protection of marine resources on an ongoing basis in the Wakatobi region, the Conservation Program Coral Reefs collaborative developed by the founders of Wakatobi Dive Resort to consult with the leaders and the local indigenous leaders. The program is designed to motivate people in the Wakatobi region to realize the importance of coral reefs and to actively protect the marine ecosystem. This can be achieved by providing an economical alternative to the local fishermen and create incentives that help to protect and maintain the coral reef. Cooperation between local fishermen and tourists who visit promoted by creating income from tourism which is then channeled directly back to local people. Required a consistent effort over many years to build trust and understanding of the local community where all people around the village with respect to the agreement. Based on the success of the project was launched in 1998 that made the coral reefs along the 6 km into the protected area may not be digunankan fishermen for fishing and programs were developed and more widely again. Currently the program includes 17 village communities in the local community seputaran resort that includes 20 km of one of the best coral reefs in the world and including in it a number of best dive locations.
Importance to Achieve Joint Needs Cooperation
Manage the protection area is a vast sea is almost uninhabited is relatively simple compared to the needs of local residents who mostly work as fishermen to connect life. Wakatobi Dive Resort realize life masayarakat local needs must be met in order to be able to create long-term conservation program. This is a big challenge considering the Wakatobi archipelago has a population of 100,000 inhabitants.
 Most of the local population can be seen both as a threat or as an opportunity when weighing the factors that create the programs needed in the conservation of marine resources successfully. In Wakatobi, conservation program has been to empower local communities to become a "protective force" that they keep coral reefs.
No less important is the fact that the economic impact from dive tourism has successfully overcome the fishing practices that damage the environment with the ownership a "real estate" of value. Natural result of the local community Wakatobi start to protect their marine resources against penggangu and destructive, including threats from arising from within their own communities. Of course, any program without the presence of law enforcement or the flow of funds and the alternative will most likely be at the end of the over-fishing and destruction of ecosystems.
Thus Collaboration Conservation Coral Reefs Wakatobi Dive Resort is the development work that is still growing and disesuikan with the development of society and the new threat that appears. So therefore, we believe that the Collaboration Program Conservation Coral Reefs is a good program and independently to protect the coral reefs in the Wakatobi
islands to many generations to come.
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